Friday, December 19, 2008

Silhouette images capturing life!

If you haven't checked out the company Designer's Holiday yet and thought about what you would do if you could put your imagination on your wall, etc then I highly suggest you do it. This is an image of my sister-n-law and her husband on their wedding day walking up to the temple. I loved the picture and wanting to capture it in a silhouette for their Christmas gift. Same with the temple and their daughter. She has lady bugs as decoration in her room and I thought I'd carry on the theme. I'm way excited to do more projects in my own home this year.







Thursday, December 4, 2008

An idea is born!

I can remember when my friend Heidi sitting in my livingroom telling me about this home business that she and her husband were going to do and it gave me goose bumps. I thought it was so clever and a much needed personalized element to add to a home. It's funny because I was having a really hard time trying to come up with something unique and different from everyone else in terms of decorating. With this everyone can personalize their home or anywhere else you can think of. The possibilities are endless! Whatever you imagine! I must warn you, that it's very hard to stop thinking about what you would do once you see the options of the vinyl designs. Here's a picture of a bedroom done for her little girl. It's just precious! I'm adding her blog to my favorite's and will have the website for you in the future.
How cute is this! This labeling options gives us no excuse for not being able to find anything right! That is...if it's in the right place. ha ha